Fly away home.
So I've combined the last two days into one bumper issue. Decided it was easier that way, plus you guys could do with a days rest. Let's see if I get this done before they start boarding... Tuesday. Today was supposed to be a quiet day spent mostly on a bus. I did go on the bus tour, but between the walk to the pick up point, the walking on the tour and the walk home, I managed 20,000 steps. I have 4 days off before going back to work when I get home and I swear I'm not even going to leave my apartment for at least 2 of those days. The tour today was up to Horseshoe Bay (pretty enough, didn't need half an hour though), Shannon falls, the sea to sky gondola and then the Britannia mine on the way home. The tour guide was a wealth of Canadian facts. Did you know that four Britain's could fit inside British Columbia? Or that Canadian elections happen every 5 years, but they can call them at any time and there are no term limits for...